I'm so excited! Over the years that I have been involved in fabric dyeing, I have continuously experimented with and refined a low immersion process I call "Crackle Dye" (a trademark for the process that I use in connection with my business, Elliebelly) that creates a lovely multi-colored effect with rich veining on fabric.
Although it is a time consuming process that takes the fabric through multiple dye baths and color mixes, I have always found the results to be well worth it, and I guess a lot of other people have too, because I get a lot of email requests for tips on how to achieve this effect.
I have been working on an article that takes you through the steps and offers some pictures of this process. It is finally complete and I'm incredibly excited because my Crackle Dye process is now available on Paula Burch's (yes, THE Paula Burch, the one and only queen of dyeing who has THE website for directions and information on fabric dyeing) website. When I was first learning how to dye, I consulted Paula's website constantly, learned from her expertise on the dyer's list, and have always found her advice to be the best there is over the years. I still visit it as my first stop whenever I have a question. I'm stunningly happy, both that she thought my process was valuable enough to be included on her website and to have the opportunity to give back to the community of dyers.
so, go and get it here. This is a free gift from me to all of my favorite people, artists and fabric dyers.
Here is an example of my Crackle Dye.