Emmaline, one of the most enjoyable patterns I have ever knit, is finished and is not a success. Oh, the sweater is beautiful. I love the pattern. But, it doesn't fit. It won't ever fit. I've tried to convince myself, but no matter what I imagine about the saving graces of an edging of crochet, well, it's not happening.
I've decided to make all of my friends try it on until it finds a good home. I started with Miss Princess. Clearly, no match here.
I accosted my next door neighbor, Dinny, who I adore, at the end of a day of gardening. I could have easily parted with the sweater for Dinny, but sadly, again, not a good fit and not her color.
Clearly, I'm going to have to be cagey to find a good home for poor Em. I tried to get my friend Jennifer, also a knitter, to try her on yesterday, but she bailed out, mumbling something about the fit. (She did take our fence-jumping stray dog off of our hands, though, so I am eternally grateful to her). I'm still thinking maybe my Mother-in-Law, or another friend, whose color this definitely is. I'll see some of my art friends at Art and Soul in Hampton later this month, so perhaps I'll take her along there. It would be embarrassing to reach the point of waylaying total strangers and making them try on a sweater. I could get there, though.
If you think Emmaline might be made for you, drop me a comment. I knit the size medium, but I think the true fit is for a nicely endowed woman in the large/extra large range.