The day of linen dyeing that I showed you here resulted in these finished skeins.
That's Elliebelly Chemise, a silk/linen blend in the new Castle Stone colorway. I'm looking forward to experimenting with different grays this year to try and find my favorites. This one is surely a contender, at least on this base. It's interesting to note that different fibers or yarn bases take dye very differently. With this being an unusual blend of fibers for a knitting yarn, I'll be interested to see what this colorway does on other fibers.
Of course, once I had gone to the trouble of setting up dyepots, it was hard to put them away without doing a little bit more, so despite the frigid cold, I spent some time mixing colors. This skein is dyed using the paintbrush method I developed years ago, but haven't had a chance to do a lot of lately. It's one of my favorite ways to dye for variegated color.
Once I got started, it became a bit hard to stop, so I did several vats of kettle-dyed yarn. That's a bit of the Crayon colorway you see drying--I've earmarked some for giveaways ahead of the Elliebelly Adventurous April 2016 KAL, which I hope you will join us for. The indoor-at night photos never do much justice, but late night knitting and dyeing seems to be my MO, so we'll have to make do until the yarn is properly dry and photographed. I wanted to give you a sneak peek!